Relocating the Front License Plate
This is an e-mail i recieved from another club member about how he relocated his front plate, and the pictures he included:
Hi Alex
I finally got my pictures back with my front plate mod Here is how I did it :
All you need are a 10mm (I think; I'm doing this from memory) wrench, a hammer, and tin snips
First just take off the plate and remove the front bracket. Next, flatten out the part of the bracket that mounts to the car. Flip over the bracket so it puts the plate into the air space in the front spoiler and bolt back into place.You will probably have to clip about 1/16th " off the plate itself on the upper and lower portions (with a frame no-one will ever know) so it fits into the air space without touching any painted surface.Another thing would be to put the frame mounting bolts on from the back so they wont touch your paint and leave scratches.
I know some will say this blocks airflow into the engine a little but it is minimal(if you are at the track its 3 bolts and its off)but it hasn't affected my running temp at all and obviously wont block your intercooler which isn't behind it anyway. This has avoided un-called for traffic stops and tickets (which I always got with my last car) because the plate is clearly visible and looks like it came that way. Also I know this will work for 95-96 DSM's but I'm not sure about 97-98 I think the mount is different I think I got everything to do this in here but if it looks like I missed something let me know.